Wednesday 2 October 2013

What I'm Into: Lash Extensions Lifehack

Bit of a girly post here. Let's talk eyelashes. 

I've got a complex about my natural lashes. They are short, mousy brown and generally unremarkable. It wouldn't bother me half as much if my partner, a big hairy Brummie, didn't have the same freaking genetic disorder as Elizabeth Taylor which gives him two rows of gorgeously long black lashes. What a waste.

So to make up for my lacklustre lashline, and generally being a lazy cow with no time to do makeup properly, I've been faking it since 2009. 

I started out with individual Duralash bunches:

Many women start with the temporary caterpillar strip falsies for special occasions, but those intimidated the fuck out of tomboy little me at first. Not to mention they defeat my whole purpose of extreme laziness - so inspired by this Kingdom of Style post I reached straight for the permanent glue.

I wore them on and off through my last two years of uni, although they are fussy to apply and while fine in the winter, seemed to just melt off my face in the summer months. I finally gave up the grudge when I realized they were taking so long to stick on each week it was hardly worth the time saved on mascara daily. That, and they look completely ridiculous up close:

I had my first real set of salon extensions done when I was working in Tokyo. Everybody gets everything done in Tokyo, and I was spending a lot of my free time enjoying the aircon and practising my Japanese with the gals at Nail Bee Roppongi, so it seemed the logical thing to do. Although describing what lash curve I wanted in Japanese not to mention explaining that one of the girls had glued my eye together was a bit of a challenge.

That first set worked out ok:

Unlike strips or bunches, real extensions sit 1:1 on your natural lashes, have no seams and last until the real lash grows out. I was hooked.

For the past year I've been getting mine done every 5-6 weeks at Lash Lab on Brick Lane and they fucking rule. It's £50 a pop and my eyes look like this without makeup:

A colleague of mine did some extensive market research on character designs for a fashion game last year, trying to find out what art style appealed most to girls and women and what type of aspirational images they identified with. She found that women reacted most favourably across the board to characters with thick black upper lash lines - we intuitively love that shit.

Nowadays I'll pop falsies on top of my extensions for a special do, inspired by HRH Nicki Minaj from who I learned you can wear multiple rows: 

Excessive? Perhaps. But I've got Gracie's fluttering genetic mutations to live up to.


  1. Fucking LOL Minaj, I love her. I never notice eyelashes on girls - I don't know why it's something I don't bother to notice. I think it's because I wear glasses and I treat them like my eyelashes. Does that make sense? Who knows.

    1. Too true - your glasses are that "thick black line" so who needs lashes haha
