Wednesday 19 February 2014

Homemade Thai Sweet Chili Sauce

I really don't know if this is a lazy lifehack or the opposite. But the other night we made our own chili sauce and it was unbelievably fast and easy.

We were trying to make a Nigel Slater beef salad for a late weeknight dinner and realized we were all out of the sweet chili sauce it called for. Being too lazy to go to the shops, and having all of the requisite ingredients in our pantry, Gracie suggested we just make the dang chili sauce.
We used this recipe and it really did take all of 10 mins, most of which was casually stirring the pan while attending to other things. And then we put it in the clean washed bottle from the old chili sauce. 
Not as brightly coloured, but the taste and texture were bang on. Maybe a little better. Definitely a little spicier.

I'm not about to become one of those DIY home goddesses but it really was a revelation that you do not have to buy things like this at all. So what do you think? Lazy? Or too much work?

1 comment:

  1. Haha I am into this. Also LOL at "I'm not about to become one of those DIY home goddesses". I would definitely do this again if it were BETTER. YES PLEASE.
