Tuesday 6 August 2013

What I'm Into: Muscle Rescue Neck & Shoulder Cream

Found this in Boots earlier today - the better smelling cousin of the serious Deep Heat range of muscle creams. 

To be honest, they had me at rosemary. I am a rosemary fiend - eating it, smelling it, and apparently rubbing it on my neck. Jo Malone put out a £40 Rosemary and Rose scented charity candle a few months ago and I ordered it within seconds (no regrets). Rosemary is supposed to be incredible for stress relief. Not sure how robust herbal remedies are, but working in software development across distributed teams on pre-launch hardware you'll try any stress-buster you can find.

Like most sedentary computer workers I have neck issues. Neck issues that make every masseuse, physio or esthetician I've ever been to recoil in horror at the ropey knots beneath my skin, issues that make me want to take a meat tenderizer to my shoulders.

These issues are somewhat exacerbated by headbanging - good thing I am all grown up and don't do that anymore. But on this rainy Monday after Sunday night's Iron Maiden concert at the O2, I found myself in Boots desperate for some relief.

Lucky I found this, as it really does what it says on the tin. A doddle to apply, nice and warm and deep soothing, with no nasty icy-hot smell. It definitely saved my day today. Gonna keep this sucker in my desk drawer I think.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have any form of stress relief or tension release product at my desk but that's a really good idea. I also like the smell of rosemary and lavender too - I don't think this product is in Canada but you reminded me I need to keep a look out for one.
